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Idaho Driving Records

In Idaho, driving records are comprehensive documents that provide a detailed account of an individual's driving history within the state. They include critical information such as traffic violations, accidents, license suspensions, and any points accumulated due to infractions. 

These records are essential for government agencies, employers, and drivers. They play a crucial role in promoting road safety, aiding employment decisions, and accurately documenting driving history.

To understand the guidelines for accessing driving records, the Idaho Code Sections 74-101 to 74-126 outlines public access to records while specifying fundamental limitations. Certain records, including personal privacy, medical information, student education, and confidential business data, are exempt from public disclosure.

In connection with these guidelines, the Idaho Department of Motor Vehicles (ID DMV) oversees the issuance, renewal, and replacement of driver's licenses and state ID cards and manages the point system for tracking traffic infractions. This department also helps preserve legal driving records and promotes adherence to safety and legal standards in the state.

Types of Driving Records Available in Idaho

Driving records in Idaho are categorized into different types to address various needs. The following is a summary of the driving records available in Idaho:

Standard Driving Record

A standard driving record offers a detailed overview of an individual's driving history, covering traffic violations, accidents, and license suspensions or revocations. It typically serves personal review or employment purposes.

Certified Driving Record

A certified driving record is required for legal or official matters, such as court cases or specific job applications. This formal version of the standard record is certified by the state DMV.

Driving Record for Insurance

Tailored for insurance companies, this record provides detailed information about an individual's driving history that affects insurance rates. It includes data on traffic violations and accidents formatted to meet insurance company requirements.

Commercial Driving Record

For individuals with a commercial driver's license (CDL), their driving record includes details relevant to commercial driving, such as violations involving commercial vehicles. This record is used by employers and regulatory agencies to evaluate the driver’s qualifications for commercial driving.

How To Request an Idaho Driving History Report?

In Idaho, individuals can access their driving history reports through several methods. They can order it online, purchase it in person, or request it by mail. Details for each option are provided below:


For this method, individuals may utilize the Driver License Record Search system. Under Idaho Law, including Idaho Code Sections 49-202 and 49-203 and Administrative Rule No. 39.02.41, this portal allows qualified businesses, individuals, and government agents to access and search the Idaho Transportation Department’s (ITD) driver’s license database in real-time.

To initiate the process, users must select their legal reason for accessing driver's license records. Some reasons include business activities, court proceedings, CDL employer information, insurance, and driver or vehicle safety.

Once the legal reason is selected, users must input the search criteria, such as driver’s license number, document discriminatory number, first name, middle name, last name, and date of birth. 

To get a copy of their driver's license record, individuals must pay a fee of $10.50. They must also note that records purchased online contain three years of driver's license history.

In Person

An Idaho driving record can also be ordered in person. Interested parties must visit a DMV county office and provide a valid form of identification, like an Idaho driver's license or a state-issued ID card.

Following this, they are required to pay the fee for the driving record they wish to obtain. After payment and processing, individuals receive a printed copy of their driving record.

By Mail

Aside from online and in-person methods, individuals may request a driving record by mail. The process involves completing the Idaho Driver’s License Record Request form (ITD 3120) and sending it, along with a check or money order payable to the ITD, to:

Idaho Transportation Department
P.O. Box 34
Boise, ID 83707-1129

Mail requests generally take about 7 to 10 business days to process from the date they are received.

Uses of Idaho Driving Records

Driving records in Idaho are essential for a range of significant functions.

These records are frequently utilized by employers and insurance companies to assess an individual’s driving history. Employers, particularly those in the transportation, delivery, and logistics sectors, use driving records to evaluate the suitability of candidates for positions that involve operating vehicles. 

Moreover, individuals in Idaho may request their own driving records for personal use and self-assessment. It allows them to review their driving history, check for errors, and guarantee that their record is accurate. 

Lastly, government agencies and research organizations may use driving records for various purposes, which can be valuable for statistical analysis, research studies, and policy development related to road safety and traffic management.

Understanding Idaho Driving Laws

Idaho drivers must be knowledgeable about and adhere to state driving laws and regulations to steer clear of significant fines. Below are the important driving laws in the state, along with their related penalties:

Speeding Limits Regulation

Idaho's speed limit regulations, detailed in Idaho Code Section 49-654, specify maximum speeds of 75 miles per hour (mph) on rural highways and 25 to 35 mph in urban areas. Exceeding these limits or driving too fast for conditions can result in fines, points on the driver’s record, and potential license suspension. 

For severe violations, such as excessive speeding, penalties become more substantial, including higher fines and extended license suspensions. Repeated offenses may lead to increased legal consequences and insurance rate hikes.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Law

Based on the Idaho Code Section 18-8004, the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit is 0.08% for drivers and 0.02% for those under 21. 

DUI offenses result in fines ranging from $1,000 to $2,000, license suspension for up to one year, and mandatory alcohol education programs. 

Repeat offenders face more severe penalties, including longer suspensions, larger fines, and potential jail time. Severe cases may also require the installation of an ignition interlock device, and failure to comply with court-ordered conditions can lead to further legal and financial repercussions.

Distracted Driving Law

Idaho Code Section 49-1401A prohibits the use of handheld mobile devices while driving. Violations result in fines of $75 for the first offense and $100 for subsequent offenses. 

Points may also be added to the driver’s record, which can affect insurance rates and lead to higher premiums. Continued violations may result in more severe penalties and increased legal costs.

Seat Belt Use Law

According to Idaho Code Section 49-673, all occupants must wear seat belts. Failure to comply results in fines of up to $85 for the driver. Each unbelted occupant may incur separate fines, increasing the total financial penalty. 

Non-compliance with this regulation not only leads to fines but also contributes to higher injury risks in accidents.

Idaho Auto Insurance Law

As per Idaho Code Section 49-1428, drivers must carry liability insurance with minimum coverage limits. Non-compliance can result in fines up to $75, suspension of the driver’s license and vehicle registration, and potential vehicle impoundment. 

Additionally, convicted individuals may be required to obtain an SR-22 certificate, which results in higher insurance premiums and extra administrative fees.

The Points System in Idaho

In Idaho, the point system for driving offenses, as outlined in Idaho Code Section 49-326, is designed to monitor and manage drivers' behavior by assigning points for traffic violations. Managed by the ID DMV, the system allocates points to a driver’s record based on the severity of the violation. 

Below are some of the following traffic violations and their corresponding points:

  • Speeding: 1-15 mph incurs 3 points, while 16 mph or more incurs 4 points
  • Driving on the sidewalk: 3 points
  • Slow-moving vehicles: 2 points
  • Overtaking a vehicle on the left: 3 points
  • Crossing fire hose: 1 point
  • Inattentive driving: 3 points
  • Racing on public highways: 4 points

When drivers accumulate 12 or more points within a year, their driving privileges may be at risk. 

The DMV uses this point threshold to determine if additional penalties or corrective actions, such as a license suspension, are necessary. After three years, points are typically removed from a driver’s record, provided no further violations occur during that time.  

To deliberately reduce the points, drivers must enroll in and successfully complete an ID DMV-approved defensive driving course. Upon successful completion, the DMV reduces points on the driver’s record, helping to avoid reaching the 12-point threshold that could result in license suspension or other penalties.

Criminal vs. Civil Driving Offenses in Idaho

A comprehensive knowledge of Idaho’s driving regulations is crucial for all road users, as any breach can result in serious legal repercussions. The state organizes driving offenses based on their level of severity, from minor civil penalties to more severe criminal offenses.

Criminal Driving Offenses

In Idaho, criminal driving offenses refer to serious traffic violations that are considered crimes rather than mere infractions. These include felony and misdemeanor driving offenses. The felony driving offenses are the most severe, typically involving serious harm, death, or a pattern of reckless behavior. 

One notable example is vehicular manslaughter, where a driver causes the death of another person due to negligent or reckless driving. In Idaho, this offense is treated with the utmost severity, which carries a potential prison sentence of up to 15 years, and offenders are often required to pay restitution to the victim’s family.

Meanwhile, misdemeanors in Idaho, while less severe than felonies, still have significant consequences, particularly concerning driving privileges. A common misdemeanor offense is a first-time DUI. The impact of a misdemeanor conviction can lead to increased auto insurance premiums, a stained driving record, and potential challenges in securing employment.

Civil Driving Offenses

Civil driving offenses in Idaho are minor traffic violations that do not carry criminal charges but result in legal consequences. Common examples include speeding, where fines vary depending on how much the speed limit is exceeded. 

For instance, driving 1-15 miles per hour over the limit may result in fines ranging from $90 to $155, while more excessive speeding can lead to higher fines. Although civil driving offenses do not result in jail time, they can significantly impact a driver’s record and finances in Idaho.

Idaho Driving Statistics and Goals

Based on the recent traffic crash report from ITD, the number of motor vehicle crashes increased slightly by 0.1%, from 27,661 in 2022 to 27,679 in 2023. The fatalities from these crashes also surged dramatically, with a 28% rise from 215 in 2022 to 275 in 2023.

The state transportation department is committed to enhancing road safety with several key goals and initiatives. Its primary objectives include reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries, improving roadway infrastructure, and promoting safe driving behaviors. 

To achieve these goals, the ITD focuses on data-driven safety measures, infrastructure upgrades, and public education. Notable programs include the Vision Zero initiative, which aims to eliminate traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries through comprehensive strategies engineering improvements.

Additionally, the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) provides a framework for addressing safety issues based on crash data, while the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds critical infrastructure projects to enhance road safety.

Frequently Asked Questions About Idaho Driving Records

Individuals seeking thorough insights into Idaho driving records can find answers to the following frequently asked questions:

Can an Individual Get a Free Idaho Driving Record?

In Idaho, individuals generally cannot obtain a driving record for free, as the ITD charges a fee for processing and providing these records. This fee applies to all requests, whether made in person, by mail, or online, and covers administrative costs. The fee structure guarantees the department can maintain accurate and reliable services in compliance with state regulations.

Is It Possible To Expunge or Seal a Driving Record in Idaho?

Expungement of driving records is not permitted under any specific law or regulation in the state.

However, certain offenses may be eligible for removal from the record after a designated period or under specific conditions. For instance, non-serious violations may be eligible for removal if the driver meets certain requirements. Individuals seeking to modify their records must consult with legal professionals or contact the ITD for guidance on procedures specific to their case.

How Can One Correct Information on an Idaho Driving Record?

When an individual needs to correct information on their Idaho driving record, they must submit a formal request to the ITD or DMV. This request should clearly outline the error and be accompanied by any relevant evidence supporting the need for correction. 

Upon receipt of the request, the ITD or DMV will review the documentation to verify the claimed error. If the correction is validated, the driving record will be updated accordingly, and the individual will be notified of the changes made.

Idaho drivers seeking to expand their knowledge of driving records and pertinent subjects can access the following resources:

Counties in Idaho